Wednesday, April 9, 2008

What Is The Size Of A Academic Poster

Scandal votes abroad

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The constitution enshrined the right of every Italian citizen to choose their representatives in parliament, this law was abolished with an anti-constitutional election law that the Constitutional Court does not decide to be repealed. Minister Calderoli, who bore her, called it a "crap" I know you are wondering how a minister can say such a thing, but anything is possible in Italy. But let's go, all citizens are deprived of the right to nominate the names of their representatives, but this is not true at all. In fact, the Italians residing abroad vote differently (yes, you read right!), They have a sceda election different from ours where they can nominate two candidates of their choice. This is the last straw! The Italians who are not resident in Italy have more rights than others?? Yes, that's it, if you were thinking of moving, do it now you will have great benefits and more rights, so it seems. So the only way to recover freedom of choice, transfers all ABROAD ... or move all the parliamentarians!


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